The District of Columbia Public Service Commission approved an experimental electricity rate credit for senior citizens and disabled residents in the District of Columbia. D.C. residents are eligible for the rate credit if they receive the Homestead Deduction and Senior Citizen or Disabled Property Owner Tax Relief and are Pepco customers not receiving the existing Residential Aid Discount. The commission set the fixed monthly rate credit at $7.50 or about 50% of the fixed customer charge for Residential Service, which is currently $15.09. The commission also set aside on an interim basis $6 million to be recorded as part of the company’s Customer Base Rate Credit to ensure adequate funding for this future special customer class for seniors and disabled citizens. The Customer Base Rate Credit is a ratepayer program funding mechanism that resulted from the Commission’s approval of the Pepco-Exelon Merger. Expressing concern regarding the exclusion of renters from the experimental rate credit, the Commission directed parties to examine options for expanding the population of eligible participants to renters who are senior citizens and disabled citizens for year 2 of the experimental rate credit. It found that renters in the target population are likely to be those members most in need of assistance, with incomes below those of eligible homeowners. Re Structure and Application of an Experimental Rate Class for Both Senior Citizens and Disabled Residents in the District of Columbia, Formal Case No. 1149, Order No. 19741, Nov. 8, 2018 (D.C.P.S.C.).