Dr. Morin has been on Hotel Equities Board of Directors for four years and is especially involved in the company’s corporate finance issues and in the company’s strategic directions. Dr. Morin is Emeritus Professor of Finance at the Robinson College of Business Administration, Georgia State University and Distinguished Professor of Finance for Regulated Industry at the Center for the Study of Regulated Industry at Georgia State University. He holds a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering degree and an MBA in Finance from McGill University, Montreal, Canada, and a Ph.D. in Finance and Econometrics from the Wharton School of Finance, University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Morin is also principal of Utility Research International, an entreprise engaged in international regulatory economics/finance consulting and formal training activities.
Dr. Morin has taught at the Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania, Amos Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College, Drexel University, McGill University, and Georgia State University, among others. In addition, he has developed and conducted numerous executive development programs for professional trade associations, corporations, and universities. Dr. Morin was a faculty member of Advanced Management Research International, The Management Exchange Inc. and is currently a faculty member of Standard & Poor’s Global Intelligence (formerl ythe SNL Center for Financial Education) where he conducts frequent national executive-level education seminars throughout North America.
Dr. Morin has authored or co-authored several books, monographs, and articles in academic scientific journals on the subject of finance. They have appeared in a variety of journals, including The Journal of Finance, The Journal of Business Administration, International Management Review, and Public Utility Fortnightly. He has published three widely-used treatises on regulatory finance, Utilities' Cost of Capital, Public Utilities Reports Inc., Arlington, Va. 1984, Regulatory Finance, Public Utilities Reports Inc., Arlington, Va. 1994, The New Regulatory Finance, Public Utilities Reports 2006, and The Modern Regulatory Finance, PUR Books LLC 2021. One of his most recent books, Driving Shareholder Value: Value-Building Techniques for Creating Shareholder Wealth, published by McGraw-Hill is a reference text in executive education training programs.
Dr. Morin has engaged in extensive consulting activities on behalf of numerous Fortune 500 corporations and legal firms in matters of financial management and corporate litigation. He is a leading expert witness in matters of corporate finance, and has appeared as an expert witness in some 230 cases before some 50 federal and provincial/state regulatory boards in United States, Canada, and abroad, including the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the Federal Communications Commission.