The New York Public Service Commission has issued an order expanding the types of electric vehicles eligible to participate in Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc.’s off-peak electric vehicle charging program, SmartCharge NY. The expansion will allow Con Edison to offer incentives to participating customers who charge medium- and heavy-duty electric vehicles during off-peak hours. According to the commission, expanding the program will allow the utility to monitor customer response to incentives for off-peak charging for vehicles with needs that are significantly different from those eligible for the current light-duty tariff including accommodating the greater power demands of larger batteries, as well as time-of-day and geographical charging issues determined by inflexible operating schedules, charging terminals, and routes. The commission pointed out that although light-duty passenger vehicles account for a majority of fossil fuel consumption and emissions by the transportation sector, the medium- and heavy-duty road transportation sector accounts for a disparate share of total automobile pollution, particularly nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter. Re Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc., Case 16-E-0060, Sept. 12, 2018 (N.Y.P.S.C.).
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