Fundamentals of Energy Regulation is a complete introduction to the world of energy regulation.
Designed to meet the needs of a broad range of practitioners, Fundamentals of Energy Regulation introduces important new regulatory topics, and features explanations of key economic and regulatory concepts, along with clear examples and case studies. The book also discusses the practical aspects of several newer regulatory structures such as estimating productivity and inflation factors for price and revenue cap regulation.
The book is in two parts, covering Core Fundamentals in Part I and Extensions and Applications in Part II.
Details and Features:
ISBN: 978-0910325196
7 x 10 inches
Hard cover
333 pages
(c) 2007
Part One: Core Fundamentals
Chapter 2: Economic Fundamentals
Chapter 3: The Role of the Revenue Requirement
Chapter 4: Review of Regulatory Structures
Chapter 5: Rate Regulation -- Measuring and Justifying Costs
Chapter 6: Rate Regulation -- Cost Allocation
Chapter 7: Rate Setting Principles and Procedures
Chapter 8: Rate and Tariff Updating Methods
Chapter 9: Market Power and its Impacts
Part Two: Extensions and Applications
Chapter 10: Estimating Economic Value under Uncertainty
Chapter 11: Environmental and Energy Regulation
Chapter 12: Establishing Markets for Electric Reliability
Chapter 13: Selected International Applications
Chapter 14: The Future of Economic Regulation of the Energy Industry